Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Be the Best Version of You

“I need to stop trying to become perfect and just try to become better.”
Sasha Cohen, U.S. Figure Skater

How often do you want everything to be just right?  To be the best?  To excel?  While they are all good aims, sometimes aiming for perfection stops you from even starting.  Why not just aim to take action, learn, improve and get better?

A mentor of mine often spoke about how she aims for 80% and above.  That she deliberately makes mistakes in what she does to teach others – her message is that it’s all about taking action and not being perfect!  She has an extremely successful business so that is when I decided it was time to drop aiming for perfection and just focus on taking action - no longer waiting for the ducks to all line up – no longer waiting for everything to be perfect.

The difference this one step made to me, my life and my results is amazing.  Think about where you have been chasing perfection.  Change your focus from perfection to daily improvement.

*Photo courtesy of Figure Skaters Online

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Abandon Fear This Year

Fear of what might happen is a waste of time and energy. If the thing you are worrying about doesn’t happen, you have wasted all that time and energy for nothing.

Take a moment to think about what it is you fear. Now think about what is the worst thing that could happen. Is it really likely to happen? Is there something you could learn from it if it did happen?

What things did you used to fear? I was walking to school with my daughters today, aged 11 and 8, and we were talking about how we used to fear monsters under our bed when we were young.

Now we are more mature, we know that our fear and the energy we put into it was wasted time and energy.

Think about some other things in the past that you may have feared and how do you feel about them now?

Fear can stop you from trying new things.

A great way to overcome fear is to imagine yourself after you have done it. How do you feel now that you have tackled and overcome your fear?

This way, you get to visualise yourself doing whatever it was you are afraid of. You also get to feel all the emotions of success.