Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Power to Choose

All you need is within you now.

You have the resourcefulness you need for whatever you decide to choose. You REALLY do have the:
> Courage
> Passion
> Determination
> Fire

We can do anything if we have a compelling reason and the focus. We will conquer all fears; if we have a big enough reason we would get it.

Some of my favourite action quotes

“An ounce of action is worth a tonne of theory.”
Friedrich Engels

“Action will remove the doubts that theory can not solve.”
Tehyi Hsieh

“It’s not what you know, its what you do with what you know.”
Author Unknown

There is always a way
Even if it is not true, act like it is and usually you can find a way to achieve what you want to achieve.
> You can push through the tough times
> Persist a little longer
> Search a little harder
> Keep going
> Failure is giving up
> Everything else is progress

By believing there is always a way you give yourself every opportunity to experience success!

About Us
LifeStyle Refocus is a Melbourne based personal assistant, corporate concierge and lifestyle management consultancy. We are all about saving you TIME. By taking care of your “to do” list so you can spend time doing the things that are truly important to you.

For more information go to www.lifestylerefocus.com.au or contact Michele on 0437 311 802.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Want to give up - think you are too old to try something new?

Age isn’t always a factor in your success or failure. Consider these famous examples:

> Actor George Burns won his first Oscar at 80

> Golda Meir was 71 when she became prime minister of Israel.

> At age 96, playwright George Bernard Shaw broke his leg when he fell out of a tree he was trimming in his backyard.

> Painter Grandma Moses didn’t start painting until she was 80 years old. She completed over 1,500 paintings after that; 25 percent of those were produced when she was past 100.

> Michelangelo was 71 when he painted the Sistine Chapel

> Physician and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer was still performing operations in his African hospital at 89

> Doc Counsilman, at 58, became the oldest person ever to swim the English Channel

> S.I. Hayakawa retired as president of San Francisco State University at 70, and then was elected to the U.S. Senate.

> Casey Stengel didn’t retire from managing the New York Mets until he was 75.

Sourced: Glenn Van Ekeren, The Speaker’s Sourcebook, Prentice-Hall, New York, NY

> Bryce Courtney the well known Australian author did not write his first book until his was 55. On his website it states “At the age of 55 I decided to take the plunge. I had been telling stories since the age of five and had always known I would be a writer some day, though life kept getting in the way until I realised that it was either now or never.”

> Mary Wesley was in her 70s when she published her first novel. She went on to write several bestsellers, including The Camomile Lawn

About Us

LifeStyle Refocus is a Melbourne based personal assistant, corporate concierge and lifestyle management consultancy. We are all about saving you TIME. By taking care of your “to do” list so you can spend time doing the things that are truly important to you.

For more information go to www.lifestylerefocus.com.au or contact Michele on 0437 311 802.