Do you realise that how you live your life is actually based on decisions you have made? Wow that may be a little bit confrontational really. It is much easier to look for someone else to blame for the areas of our life that are frustrating us or not satisfying us.
So once you have identified an area to change then we need to make the changes part of our daily routine. When it becomes a habit it is easy and natural for us to do. Think about your morning routine – if you are leaving the house late each day is it because you stay in bed and hit the snooze button? If this is the case you have to change that habit and replace it with a more positive habit. Like getting up on the first buzz or only hitting the snooze button once.
It really is the little changes which add up to bigger improvements in your life.
The idea is that these new habits become embedded into your subconscious mind and you do not have to think about it. It becomes automatic.
So don’t tell yourself that you will start tomorrow – start today – start now. You may even want to write it out as a new habit. Tackle one new habit a week – that will be 52 improvements in your life this year! Wow that’s progress.
So what habit are you going to change today?
About Us
LifeStyle Refocus is a Melbourne based professional organiser and lifestyle management consultancy. We are all about saving you TIME. We conduct workshops on ‘Managing your Time’, ‘Systemise Yourself to have a Productive Day,’ ‘DeClutter and Take Back Control’ and Mind Clutter.’ We work with individuals and businesses to help them create a better life.