Saturday, June 4, 2011

Managing your energy allows you to get more done

Last blog we discussed how exercise can help you be more productive. This week we are looking at our energy cycles again. During the day our bodies go through an energy cycle every 90 to 120 minutes. We should be scheduling our tasks around that body rhythm. That is we focus and concentrate on our work for 90 to 120 minutes then do less important work for a rest and recovery break. This type of work includes emails, some calls and perhaps even some meetings.

Our energy cycle is not just physical energy either. Other elements include our emotional energy and mental energy.

Therefore to work at our peak productivity some of the ways to look after ourselves includes:

Physical energy
§  Sleep
§  Nutrition
§  Hydration
§  Exercise
§  Recovery

Emotional energy
§  Positive relationships
§  Do not worry about what you cannot change
§  Enjoyment
§  Recovery

Mental energy
§  Positive thoughts
§  Personal development
§  Recovery

So make small changes over time to look after your body on a physical, emotion and mental level.
By doing this you will certainly become more productive and get more done in less time which allows you time to do the things that you really want to do not just what you have to do.

About Us
LifeStyle Refocus is a Melbourne based professional organiser and lifestyle management consultancy. We are all about saving you TIME. We conduct workshops on ‘Managing your Time’, ‘Systemise Yourself to have a Productive Day,’ ‘DeClutter and Take Back Control’ and Mind Clutter.’ We work with individuals and businesses to help them create a better life.

For more information go to or contact Michele on 0437 311 802.