Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time to Create a Better Life ... Book Now Available

Time to Create a Better Life

How to become effective, efficient and focused.

Book Now Available

As many of you are aware, my website was hacked one week prior to the launch of my book “Time to Create a Better Life” whilst my new website is up and ready to go, the products page is still coming. Well I couldn’t wait any longer. I am delighted to announce that “Time to Create a Better Life” book can be purchased now. 

Time to Create a Better Life

How to become effective, efficient and focused.

Time to Create a Better Life Book

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Friday, November 23, 2012

What You Focus On is What You Get

Have you ever heard the saying “What you focus on is what you get?” It means if you are feeling sad or disappointed and you keep talking about this, thinking about this, then that is how you will feel. You will have encounters with others who will agree or sympathise with you or both. Yet if you are feeling happy, you radiate, you bring happiness to others. People will feel your energy and want to be with you. Again, what you focus on is what you get. I found the following saying:

You cannot escape the results of your thoughts.
Whatever your present environment may be,
you will fall, remain or rise with
your thoughts, your vision, your ideal.
You will become as small
as your controlling desire;
as great as your dominant aspiration.

I wish I knew who said that. Isn’t it wonderful? What do you think of it? Is it true for you? What do you want to happen in your life?
Now back to the saying “what you focus on is what you get.” Try an experiment for me just to see what you think. Pick an area, any area of your life and start focusing on that. It is best if you use a generalisation. Some examples:

  • Most people I know exercise – and start looking at all the people you know who exercise.
  • My partner helps out around the house – and start watching for when they help out around the house.
  • Every weekend, I get time to do something that I really enjoy – and take note of what little things happen on the weekend that you enjoy.
  • I have fantastic friends who really care – and take note of the small actions and things your friends do for you.

These are just some small examples, which you may have noticed, I only used positive examples. All of these could be switched to a negative but that would mean we are focusing on the negatives and that will make us feel not so good.

Many years ago, I was working full time (I did get one day off a month) and felt that I was the only mum in the whole school who worked full time. All I saw was mums who were always there to pick up their children. Then I went to work part time and that is when I realised I was not the only mum who worked full time, who wasn’t there to always pick up her children, there are loads of mums who are all juggling as much as me. It was what I was focusing on, and it was negative and it dragged me down.
I have really learnt the power of what you focus on is what you get. Another personal example was that I felt my husband wasn’t helping enough at home on evenings. Then I decided to shift my focus and decided that everytime he helped I would say “thank you”. Now I had good reasons for this and that was I was trying to use positive reinforcement. That old tactic you use with children to get them to do things, I figured I would try it with my husband.

So every time he helped I say, “thank you”. Now what I realised was how many small little things he did without me asking. Perhaps my frustration had been that he wasn’t doing what I would like him to be doing at that moment, but he was doing things. This changed my attitude and we are a great team now that work really well together. That was my aim and focus, and it has happened.

Too often, we focus and think about what we don’t have or what we would want. Take time to focus on what you have and be grateful for it and then think about what you want and dedicate your thoughts and focus to that. It will happen. What you focus on is what you get, so what do you want? Start seeing it, hearing it, feeling it, and believing it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How Much Do You Get Out Of Your Life?

Wow – what a confronting question. I came across the following saying the other day that got me thinking.

“People do not live nowadays.
They get about 10 percent out of life.”
Isadora Duncan

How much do you get out of life? I understand there are things we have to do in life that we don’t always love, but how much of your life is made up of that?

This may be one of those questions that is just too hard to answer. So let’s flip the question. How much of your life do you love? What parts of it? We can break life into some categories and start there. Feel free to design your own categories; however, some suggestions to get you going include:
  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Business / Career
  • Community
  • Personal Growth
  • Relaxation
  • Romance / Significant other
  • Spiritual
I am hoping that this exercise makes you feel good about your life and not sad and pathetic. However, if you are feeling a bit exhausted by the evaluation, the benefit is it may motivate you to change.

Remember, it is the small things in life that bring us most of our happiness. This comes from the 80/20 rule or Pareto’s Principle. It is the small things that bring us joy and happiness. It can be a kiss from a child, a catch up with a friend, a bush walk on the weekend with the family. It is often the really small little things that we love. Those things we do that bring a smile to our face every time we think about it.

If you are finding that you do need to make some changes to your life then pick an area. For example, relaxation – and think about what you do that relaxes you. It may be spending time reading, going for a walk, having a bath, getting a massage, gardening (I know for some it is a wonderfully relaxing thing to do). Then plan that into your week. It can happen. You just have to make it happen.

Aristotle said:

"Happiness is the meaning
and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end
of human existence.“

So what do you have to do to make happiness a key in your life? What do you need to do to get more from your life? Think about tomorrow. What small changes can you make to have a better life? Why a better life? Because this is it! This is the life you have. Where you are today in your life is about the decisions you have made and the actions you have taken.

When I first heard that, I didn’t agree; however, upon reflection I realised I did agree I just didn’t want to acknowledge that it was true. The best part is thought once you get over yourself and realise that where you are in life now is really based on the decisions you have made and the actions you have taken, then the bonus is, all you have to do is make different decisions and take different actions!

Too simple? Not really. We just have to take action so that we are living life, a wonderful, magnificent life, worth living, worth bragging and boasting about and worth every minute of it. Let’s aim to get way more out of our life than 10%. What’s your target? 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Change – It’s Not Going to be Easy!

There are times in our lives when we want things to be different. It doesn’t matter what the difference is, we all have our own versions of what it is that we want to change.

Some changes are small and some of the changes are massive. The trouble is, change can sometimes be hard for us. It is about doing something new, that something may even be outside our comfort zone. For some, it may be eating better. For others, it may be exercise, it may be quitting smoking, or even taking some time for ourselves. Even though the change may be unique for each of us, the emotions, frustrations, hiccups can be experienced by us all. It is important to remember what Art Williams said:

"I'm not telling you it is going to be easy
I'm telling you it's going to be worth it“
Art Williams

When we want to make changes we are often breaking a past habit. It may be important to remember that many things we do are habits, so why not make them good habits.

There is another saying that I love by John McGrath which is:

Remember, there’s always going to be
some pain in life.
I choose the pain of discipline, to create a
balanced life that I love living, rather than the
pain of regret of a life half-lived.
Because I know that the pain of regret
is a hell of a lot greater.

It’s a fantastic saying, and so true, too. If you need to place this somewhere nearby to keep you motivated then do so.