It is time to think about Christmas catch
up with the family. There are so many versions of “family” in this modern era
that Christmas Day can involve more co-ordination than a military mission.
So take time now to get the conversation
started about where Christmas breakfast, lunch and dinner will be held. Who
will be there? What to bring? How does that work in with everyone’s extended family?
Then of course Christmas planning has to
consider some family issues (or problems) like Uncle George’s drinking problem.
Maybe have a brunch rather than a dinner where fresh juice and tea and coffee
and the drinks on the menu. If one of your relatives is negative, perhaps this
year give everyone a card that has a conversation starter on it. Making sure the conversation starters are about happy, fun, exciting
or funny things. For example, “your favourite holiday destination”, “where you
dream of going in the world”, “A funny thing happened on the way to…”
Take into account the needs of small
children who may need naps and an early bedtime. Make sure the events you are
attending are appropriate for their needs.
If Christmas lunch or dinner is at
someone’s house, how can you support and help? Divide up the meals so that
everyone can bring something. EntrĂ©e, main, veggies, salad’s, bread, dessert,
drinks. The person whose house it is at has to clean the house, set the table,
manage the meal, clean up and clear up. That is a load of work without even
cooking anything. Make it as simple as possible.
I know plenty of families who hold their
Christmas Day the weekend before Christmas, Christmas Eve or on Boxing Day. Be
flexible so that it is about the people who you are with rather than just “the
Something else to think about at this time
of year is whether you know anyone who might be alone at Christmas and can you
visit them or invite them along to share Christmas with your family.
It is important to remember that what
Christmas may mean to you, it may mean something completely different to
someone else, so be careful and sensitive to people’s needs.
It is a time of enjoyment and celebration
and with planning it can be just that. Planning is the key.