Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sometimes You Need Patience for Your Dreams to Come True

I was recently told how Chinese bamboo grows.  Young Chinese bamboo is a slow-growing plant.  When you nurture and look after the bamboo, it grows two inches in the first year.

It then grows two inches in the second year, it grows two inches in the third year and two inches in the fourth year.  Then in the fifth year it grows 80 feet!

When I heard this, it reminded me of our dreams.  At times, it can feel like you are working and working and nothing happens.  Then when you are not expecting it, things change, they take off, your life moves to a whole new level.

It’s important to nurture and look after your dreams.  Every step forward is a step in the right direction.  Keep looking after your dreams.  You never know when they will take off.

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