Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is My Dream Possible?

Many of us don’t even spend a lot of time thinking about what we really want from our life.  Some of us who do, may be asking the wrong question.  What question is that?  It is "Is my dream possible?"

Then they look at their life, their abilities and their conditions to determine the answer.

The answers to those questions may be convincing.  You may look at where you live, your age, your bank statement.

However, the world is an interesting place.  The universe is full of endless possibilities.  Many say, by definition, it is unlimited.

When you look at your current life, your current abilities and your current conditions to determine your dream, you squeeze the infinite into a tiny little picture of what you think is possible.

We have to really dream to make our dreams possible.  We have to be a little bit crazy and reach to the improbable and impossible.  Remember, a hundred years ago, flying in a plane was impossible, the telephone was ridiculous, the light bulb, cars, televisions, and computers.  If those inventors looked to the current conditions back then to determine their dreams, we may never have made these leaps.

So start asking a different question - "What would I love?" Then allow yourself to dream without limit.  Write down the ideas that come to you.  Look for the feeling of excitement, nervousness, ridiculous, laughter and let it guide you to living the life of your dreams.

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